Sunday, January 13, 2013

Innovation Arena – The workshop overall agenda

Prepare the room

Prepare a room where the number of invited experts will move freely without standing on their toes. Requirements for a room are
  • place about ten pinboards at all in form of a vernisage
  • place five pinboard side by side with room between
  • enough place for all the attendees to move freely between pinboards and discuss
  • one or two tables in the background to place moderation material, marker, sticky notes, ...
In good time before starting the workshop invite about ten owners of ideas on the same maturity level (either star, cloud, tree or road) that are interested and selected to nurture their ideas in this Innovation Arena run. They have to transport and place their idea pinboard to visualize their idea within the room before the first attendee will arrive. Ideal all of them used the Business Model Generation in visualizing their idea anywhere on the pinboard.

Place sticky notes in different colors (useful are yellow, green and light red ones) on the tables in the background together with markers and sticky points at least in three colors (red, green, blue) needed for the rating process.

Now your room is prepared and the Innovation Arena is ready to start.


Time Activity
3:00 pm As moderator: prepare the room, place the pinboards with the ideas
4:00 pm The Get-Together

The experts are entering the room.
When all experts arrived, the pitch light for all ideas runs
Pre-selection picks out the five ideas for the following nurturing and selection process.
4:30 pm The Idea Pitch

The idea owner of the five pre-selected ideas pitches their ideas.

Each idea is pitched time boxed within three minutes plus seven minutes feedback by the experts.
5:30 pm Rating of ideas

All experts rate the ideas using the everybody well know criteria.
6:00 pm Short break to discuss and add additional feedback to the ideas
6:15 pm Presentation of results

The ranking of the five ideas is presented to the audience. The Feedback is given back to the idea owners.
6:30 pm Retrospective
6:45 pm After Session Social Event

Serve something the audience like pizza, cola, ...

You can download an agenda template (as .docx or zipped .docx) to prepare your company specific agenda.

The following blogs will discuss the steps in the agenda.

1 comment:

  1. YES - I can confess: IT WORKS!

    I did similar things as "Productive Meeting" or "Results Factory" described on p 6 (and following pages) in
